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DAY ONE (Noon - 4 pm) – Setting Expectations
Understanding Hidden Impacts of Fraud
Everyone needs a reminder about fraud and fraud case. Who are the likely culprits? What are the common schemes? How do clients (victims) often react? What can we learn from whistleblowers? We will set the stage for the entire conference by starting with great stories and a reminder why the basics are the foundation of every successful fraud investigation.
Think Like a Forensic Accountant
Professional Skepticism. What does it REALLY mean? It’s a requirement under most professional standards, but how does one “practice” it? In this course, we will use examples of actual documents and verbatim interactions that helped this forensic accountant turn otherwise ordinary “internal control review” engagements into fraud examinations uncovering losses in the millions.
Planning for Success
We will discuss the importance of setting intentions in every professional interaction and the keys to a successful investigation every single time.
DAY TWO (Noon - 4 pm) – Nuts & Bolts
Understanding Accountant Speak/Document Management
Having trouble speaking the same language as the accountants? Perhaps you are law enforcement or a non-accountant entering into the world of fraud investigation. Unsure about the key documents you need for your case? Don’t know the difference between profit, revenue and income? You aren’t alone!
In this session, you will gain an easy understanding of accounting basics and key information gleaned from these documents. Discussion will also center around properly managing documents during and after a case.
Making your Case with Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is one of the most powerful data analysis tools available to the practitioner and is available on most personal computers with the purchase of Microsoft Office products. Although there are many other powerful data analysis programs available on the market, they are often cost prohibitive and require a high level of training and usage to become proficient. Excel can do much of the analysis necessary to perform professional engagements. In this session, attendees will discover some of the most powerful tools in Excel and learn about an inexpensive ($39) add-on called KuTools that can take your data analysis and final deliverables to the next level.
DAY THREE (Noon - 4 pm) – Let’s Get Real
Interviewing Skills for Auditors
Your professional standards require you to consider the risk of fraud in an organization and to rely on interviews of management and staff to satisfy this requirement. In this course we will talk about the fact that just 4 percent of all frauds are discovered by external auditors, examine the reasons why those statistics are so low, and incorporate ways to bring more success to the informational interviews you conduct as an auditor. Attendees will learn what an “interview” is, how to overcome what Tiffany calls “The Scarlet Letter ‘A’” (A is for Auditor!), and learn the basics of verbal and nonverbal cues, structuring questions, and understanding the dynamics of setting up an appropriate interview setting.
Ethics for Fraud Examiners
We will cover the ACFE Code of Professional Conduct, including examples of what to do and not to do during a fraud examination.
DAY FOUR (Noon - 4 pm) – Let’s Practice
Case Studies
Expense Reimbursement Fraud Case Studies
Luxury vehicles, fine Italian suits and shoes, expensive vacations and children in the best private schools. The lifestyles of executives making high six-figure salaries…or the lifestyles of fraudsters? Expense reimbursement fraud is common, but is it easy to find? Learn how multi-million-dollar expense reimbursement fraud schemes were perpetrated against this fraud examiner’s corporate clients for many years – and how questions regarding small expenses uncovered major losses. We will explore the most common types of expense reimbursement fraud, tools to investigate whether expenses are legitimate, and the evidence used to close the case.
Cash Skimming Scheme Case Studies
Chances are, you've caught a potential cash skimming case, but these off-book frauds are difficult to prove, especially with little to no documentation. We will break down various cash skimming cases successfully prosecuted as a result of this forensic accountant's investigations.
Cash Disbursement Scheme Case Studies
According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ Report to the Nations, a typical Fraudulent Disbursement Check Tampering Scheme incurs losses of more than $150,000 by the time it is discovered and are one of the #1 fraud schemes discovered. We will review the most common of these schemes, identify the common documents needed to identify these schemes and work through various actual prosecuted cases.
Click on the link to learn more about our Workshop Leader: Tiffany Couch
