Call for a special meeting of the Members via Zoom in accordance with sections 3.01 and 8.09 of the By-laws for the following purpose:
The motion before the Members is to approve the extraordinary resolution, by at least eighty percent (80%) majority vote of the Members present, (a) not to appoint a Licensed Public Accountant; (b) not to have an audit; (c) not to have a review engagement; and (d) to have a regular review of the Fiscal 2023 Financial Statements by an independent Chartered Professional Accountant; and (e) to appoint Jag Budwal, CPA, CFE, CFI, Q. Med., to act as the person to conduct such review.
**For those Paid-Up Chapter Members who cannot attend, they may complete the Proxy Form and email it as indicated on the form**
(2023) August 21 Special Member Meeting Proxy Form.pdf
Appointment of auditor
68 (1) Subject to section 76, at each annual meeting, members of a corporation shall by ordinary resolution appoint,
(a) an auditor to hold office until the close of the next annual meeting; or
(b) a person to conduct a review engagement of the corporation.
Dispensing with audits, etc.
Other corporations
(2) Members of a corporation other than a public benefit corporation may pass an extraordinary resolution,
(a) to have a review engagement instead of an audit in respect of the corporation’s financial year if the corporation had annual revenue in that financial year of more than $500,000 or such other prescribed amount; or
(b) to not appoint an auditor and to not have an audit or a review engagement in respect of the corporation’s financial year if the corporation had annual revenue in that financial year of $500,000 or less or such other prescribed amount.
Validity of resolution
(3) An extraordinary resolution passed under this section is valid until the next annual meeting of the members.
(4) In this section,
“extraordinary resolution” means a resolution that is,
(a) submitted to a special meeting of the members of a corporation duly called for the purpose of considering the resolution and passed at the meeting, with or without amendment, by at least 80 per cent of the votes cast, or
(b) consented to by each member of the corporation entitled to vote at a meeting of the members or the member’s attorney.